Pass the Oregon Electrician Code Exams for LME, Journeyman, Plant Journeyman, LEA, LEB, LR or others.
All you need to learn to pass, whether you are a pro with other state electrical licenses, and just need a few missing pieces that are different, or you are starting from scratch.
Electrical Exam Details:
Journeyman Electrician Exam
This exam has 52 questions with 3 hour limit, with a mix of code, minor calculations, and theory. This license requries minimum 4 years of legal work experience, perhaps double if no registered apprenticeship completion. The continuing education of 8 HR Code Change, 4 HR Rule & Law, & 12 more hours can be CR or CC for 24 total. Gain the knowledge and skills to pass this exam HERE.
Limited Journeyman Plant - PJ Exam
This exam has 52 questions with 3 hour limit, with a mix of code, minor calculations, and theory. This license requries minimum 4 years of legal work experience, perhaps double if no registered apprenticeship completion. The continuing education of 8 HR Code Change, 4 HR Rule & Law, & 4 more hours can be CR or CC for 16 total.every 3 years. The renewal is always October 1, the next cycle is 2025. The notice comes out 45 days prior. You can not renew early. You can renew online. Obtain the knowledge and skills to pass this exam HERE.
Limited Maintenance Electrician - LME Exam
This exam has 28 questions with 2 hour limit, with a mix of code, OARs, minor calculations, and theory. This license requires minimum 2 years of legal work experience, perhaps double if no registered apprenticeship completion. The continuing education of 2 HR Code Change (CC), 6 HR either CC or CR every 3 years. The renewal is always October 1, the next cycle is 2026. The notice comes out 45 days prior. You can not renew early. You can renew online. Please remember to keep your address current. Find the knowledge and skills to pass this exam HERE.
Limited Energy Electrician A - LEA Exam
This exam has 52 questions with 3 hour limit, with a mix of code, minor calculations, and theory. This license requries minimum 4 years of legal work experience, perhaps double if no registered apprenticeship completion. The continuing education of 8 HR Code Change every 3 years. The renewal is always October 1, the next cycle is 2026. The notice comes out 45 days prior. You can not renew early. You can renew online. Learn the skills and knowledge to pass this exam HERE.
Limited Energy Electrician B - LEB Exam
This exam has 28 questions with 2 hour limit, with a mix of code, OARs, minor calculations, and theory. This license requires minimum 2 years of legal work experience, perhaps double if no registered apprenticeship completion. The continuing education of 2 HR Code Change (CC), 6 HR either CC or CR every 3 years. The renewal is always October 1, the next cycle is 2026. The notice comes out 45 days prior. You can not renew early. You can renew online. Please remember to keep your address current. Gain the expertise and skills to pass this exam HERE.
Limited Residential Electrician - LR Exam
This exam has 28 questions with 2 hour limit, with a mix of code, OARs, minor calculations, and theory. This license requires minimum 2 years of legal work experience, perhaps double if no registered apprenticeship completion. The continuing education of 2 HR Code Change (CC), 6 HR either CC or CR every 3 years. The renewal is always October 1, the next cycle is 2026. The notice comes out 45 days prior. You can not renew early. You can renew online. Please remember to keep your address current. Learn the skills and expertise to pass this exam HERE.
To get more details about applying for a license, click here.
To check your CE Hours click here.
If you need help navigating your license application, get a free, 15-minute consult. Email for more information.
If you don’t pass, check out the free live support available each month.
Complete your requirements. Know what you need to study for the exam. In addition to the required 32hr, we also provide 2-hr live zoom video classes (scheduled on-demand). This course will take 4-16 weeks to complete. A free preview of the course is available at the registration page.
This Fully Online, Oregon Supervisor Electrician License Exam Course Includes:
Calculations for Feeders for Commercial, Industrial, Residential Loads & Specialized Loads
Strategies to get accurate answers and catch mistakes
How to find & balance uneven loads
Calculate specific loads such as motors, ranges, Welders, RV’s etc.
Learn to balance mixed single and 3 phase loads accurately
Know when to use a Main OCP or not
Get the right conductor choice
Understand derates and adjustments proper use
Supervisors Exam Course includes at several 2HR monthly, live zoom video interactive small group tutoring calls that count for CE credit. Email support is available anytime.
Get a link for the Free Oregon Supervisor Exam Webinar “Top Ten Errors” by emailing
Code or other books are not included in this course:
Books needed for the exam:
Current Code Book with tabs - Standard Version is recommended for code questions exams. (Supervisors need it too, for the Part 1 of your exam)
Tom Henry’s Keyword Index - or Ferm’s Fast Finder
Ugly’s Reference is a must
Electrician’s Black Book (note this book is not based on current code, yet. But is still useful due to the theory and glossary sections)
Print out copies of the Oregon Rules and Laws needed (list and links in course)
Have you taken the test and not passed? You have come to the right place. You have studied books, even maybe taken classes, yet, there is something not working. You need a plan and starting place. You need to sort out the daunting nuances - when do you use this method or not? Join the course to refine your numbers. Get live individualized tutoring included at a time you can attend.
Are you an out of state Licensed Master Electrician? Maybe hold several state Licenses? Find out about our short course, just for you. Save time and money with better understanding of the nuances of the Oregon Electrical Supervisor Exam. Take practice exams to find where you need to study further. Click Here for more info on the Short Course.
You want the right answers in the time allowed with the tools allowed in the exam. My years of learning how to get people to their goals, regardless of where they are starting from in the process.
I can help and guide you to troubleshoot with this program.
, You will have the ability to:
Be guided through each part of an accurate calculations
Work out problems as you listen to videos
Review included PowerPoint slides
Access worksheets & answers
Have access to recordings for 12 months
Get up to 24 hours CE (code related) for those zoom sessions you attend in person.
If you have more questions: Call or email for your free 15-minute consult to discuss your options and potential schedule.
More details for electrician test prep ON DEMAND 24/7 VIDEO code & basic calculations with worksheets and practice problems for Oregon Electrical Code Exams to get what you need to pass your Oregon license test.
Videos cover:
What books to take to exam
How to find keywords for fast code look up
Prevent wasting time during the exam by knowing common traps
How to use the Oregon Amendments in order to pass (this is critical)
Learn to reduce Common Math Errors
All about Oregon Rules & Laws
Basic Math and Ohms Laws
Basic motor calculations
Practice Oregon specific changes questions
At least one Live Q&A Zoom sessions with your instructor may be scheduled as needed.
BONUS: Course is fully online with unrestricted access via email to the instructor until licensed.
Then, if you need it, check out the free live support available each month.
This course is for Electricians who are taking either Oregon General Supervisor or Plant Supervisor Exam.
Supervisor On Demand 24/7 recorded video course with optional weekly live interactive Q&A Zoom calls scheduled at convenient times.
All you need to learn to pass, whether you are a pro, and just need a few pieces that are different, or starting from scratch.
About the instructor: An Oregon Supervising Electrician, since 1987, Deb Marinos has years of meeting student’s unique learning styles. I have years of guiding people to learn in a way that works for them. I encourage your questions. I have a teaching degree, and work easily with different learning styles. While this course has recorded content designed to meet your needs, you also have access to the instructor for live sessions and email support 24/7. You can ask for more worksheets or practice problems. And we can work together to find the errors, and fix them. All sessions are done via Zoom video, and are small group format. Many of my students are professionals and have other state licenses. If you have further questions please call 503-871-5299 or email me to get on your way to the next step in your electrical career.
Join many happy customers, who learned what was needed so they could pass:
“Classes were understandable and paced so I felt able to keep up.”
“You are the reason I finally passed, Thank you!”
“I learned what I needed.”
“Best class ever.”
“Met me where I was, and helped me move forward.”
Questions? Email or Call Deb 503-871-5299 to get answers.